Dorob National Park
This area is known as an angler’s paradise, with kabeljou, galjoen and steenbras the most prized species. But it also contains a few surprises. Extensive lichen fields are found north of Wlotzkasbaken and Cape Cross, while the Messum Crater in the north contains San rock paintings and archaeological sites from Damara nomads.
It is bordered to the north by the Ugab River and the Skeleton Coast Park. The Omaruru River bisects it, while the Swakop River is situated just south of its boundary. The towns of Henties Bay and Swakopmund are found within its boundaries, along with the hamlet of Wlotzkasbaken.
The Cape Cross Seal Reserve is a separate reserve in the northern section of the area.
Park size 7 800 km²
Proclamation National West Coast Recreation Area in 1973 Natural features The Atlantic coastline, gravel plains, sandy beaches with dune hummocks. Extensive lichen fields. Vegetation Namib Desert Biome. Vegetation type: Central Desert. Pencil bush (Arthraerua leubnitzia), dollar bush (Zygophyllum stapfii), lichens, shepherd’s tree (Boscia albitrunca), welwitschia (Welwitschia mirabilis).
Wildlife Springbok, black-backed jackal, Cape fur seal, brown hyaena, gemsbok. The 270 bird species recorded amara Tern, Ludwig’s Bustard, Rüppell’s an Black Oystercatcher, Gray’s Lark. ng, camping, walking. There are four campsites t at Mile 14, Jakkalsputz, Mile 72 and Mile 108.