Self drive safari is probably the best way to explore Tanzania. You can cycle the North of Tanzania, the most famous and beautiful safari destination in all Africa on self drive, the land of Lion King, Following the land of Maasai, Lake Natron, the big migration at the Serengeti, Ngorongoro crater and anthropological visits to Sonjo and the Hadzabe and Datuga tribes and last day at Tarangire NP kingdom of the Baobab trees, birds and the elephant option to combined with 4 nights in Zanzibar turquoise beaches.
Our self drive safari offers an exciting opportunity to explore our parks with the feeling of being in self control of everything.


In Zanzibar Sima Safari has its excursion (day trips) company
Arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport, Pick up by Safari car and your tour guide for the next 9 days,preceding directly for few hours day safari at Arusha National park which is on the way to your hotel, so why not to see immediately after landing in Africa the real bush ( different airliners different itinerary for the first day)


Arusha national park located at the skirts of the famous mount Meru, part of the park is a thick forest with the special Mbega (White black Colobus monkey are jumping between the trees, and part of the park is an open area where many wild animals can be seen such as Giraffes, Buffalos, Zebra, Impalas, Gnu warthogs, elephants and many baboons.
Lunch box, mineral water for the entire safari trip, cooling unit for drinks, 12 Valt sockets for mobile, camera and tablets,Local sim card for each,, with an internet bundle for the entire trip.


 Jurassic park at Arusha national park


White and Black Colubus at Arusha NP
Around 18:00 leaving the National park driving to your hotel for dinner and good sleep after a long journey
Typical Maasai Boma (village) along the drive of day 2 at Maasai land
After leaving the park, heading to Tinga Tinga area while crossing few different antiphons and Zebra. Visiting Maasai boma, which is a round family area protected from wild animals.
After the visit, heading west along the WMA area of Longido, crossing the main road between Arusha to Kenya border and heading to Mount of God Ol Doinyo Lengai a perfect volcanic mountain that sometime can be active.


Around 100 km along the Maasai villages, crossing a mountains area while a unique antelope gazelle Giraffe will be seen along the road.
Near Mount of God located Lake Natron an Alkali lake with PH 10.
A flamingo species have chosen the protected lake area as their nesting and hatching area that take place between Septembers to March.
Some parts of the lake are colored with red because of the high temperature, mineral and bacteria’s due to the high pH of the lake
Lake Natron feeds from a sweet water river
Around 16:00 arriving to Lake Natronarea and for a 1.5 hours a return beautiful walk along the creek with natural pools and waterfalls guided with Sima Safari Maasai tour guide
Morning drive along Lake Natron for a birding day of pelicans, Flamingoes, Ibis and many other water birds.Walking along the lake bank, driving along the lake to the red area and the flamingo nesting area, after visiting hot spring well return for lunch to the camp. After lunch, we head to the Sonjo tribe area, visiting Sonjo village, and driving along the mountains roads arriving to Wasu and to your next lodge.


A 100 km long route along the mountains with unique vegetation and a famous birding area.
Boy from Sonjo tribe
Safari it is a Swahili word that means“journey” and the professional word for safari is Game drive, as it sounds – a game. Slow drive at wild animals habitat searching for various animals that choose their way in the wild and it requires experience from your tour guide and luck also want be a bad idea as well.
Serengeti(endless plains in Masai language) the most famous national park all over Africa with wild animals. A major part of this 9 days trip at the Serengeti will be to search (game drive) for the big migration wild herds are crossing the Mara River, on their way to the North or to the South, after the fresh green grass, the wilder beast favorite food. Zebras always join the herds since they protect one another, one sees better and the other hears better while not competing on the food since Zebra are after the dry and rough grass.
During the Game drive we’ll see big cats such as Lions, Leopards and Cheetah and Hyenas as well as other wild animals of the Serengeti such as elephants, buffaloes, giraffes, vultures, many antelopes and others.
On arrival to the bank of the Mara River, our tour guide will hide between the trees waiting that one of the Gnu followed by all will suddenly decide to cross the river, and immediately will turn on the car and drive the short distance to the river bank to watch the crossing, which is one of the most famous and amazing attraction in Africa and the all world.


An amazing day ending at your luxury tented camp which is a 10 minutes’ drive from the river bank
Overnight at HERITAGE MARA TENT CAMP if season is the crossing of Migration the MARA river ( end of July – end of October )
Full day of Safari along the Mara River searching after more crossings, after noon we’ll be heading to a camp near a natural water pond where wild animals are visiting during the day and night and you just seat out of your room (tent) and experiencing a “seating” safari at the Mbugani Mara luxury tented camp
Heading to central Serengeti game drive after the big cats, central Serengeti is known as the most populated with big cats all over Africa.
Leopard at central Serengeti in an ambush
Two bro at the Serengeti waiting for their time to rule
Leaving the Serengeti heading south to Ngorongoro conservation area, where Maasai are mixed with the wild animals.
One of the major attraction of the safari is the game drive in the crater of the Ngorongoro.
The most populated area of African wild animals per sqm. The only place on earth where you can see in an hour or two the all big five: Elephant, Rhino, Lions, Leopard and buffalos between many Antelopes and birds.
Late afternoon leaving the crater and heading to Lake Eyasi area where one of the most amazing tribes is leaving in a total natural way bush mans the real hunters of Tanzania
Rhino at Ngorongoro crater
Moreno a Maasai worrier looking over the Ngorongoro crater
A day with one of the most primitive tribe and Avatar tribe in the all world
30 minute drive from your lodge in Lake Eyasi valley, a tribe that originally is from Namibia and Botswana that during hundreds of years migrates to the area of Lake Eyasi.
The tribe name is The Hadzabe they are real hunters, every day they are hunting, the woman are collecting roots, fruits from trees, leave just like that in the bush with no houses under the bush.
After joining their early morning hunting and visiting their habitat area we’ll carry on and visit the Datuga tribe(the blacksmith), who prepare the arrows for the Hadzabe tribe for their hunting.
Lunch you will have at OLDEONI MOUNTAIN LODGE/ Bougainvillea lodge and after heading to Tarangire National park, overnight will be at SANGAIWE LUXURY CAMP
Game drive in Tarangire National park, the Kingdom of the Elephant in the North, the Baobab trees and a famous area of birding funds.
Around 17:30 we’ll leave the park and drive to Arusha for over night at nice hotel in town
Kibo Palace hotel Arusha
Tarangire national park has an elephant population of more than 6000
All big cats as Lions, Leopard and Cheetah can be seen in Tarangire
Leaving very early morning the hotel in Arusha for a morning flight to Zanzibar. At 05:30 am leaving the hotel, take off on 07:10 am arriving to Zanzibar around 08:10 am. Pickup to the hotel, arriving round 09:45 check in, and if still need ot wait for the room couple of hours enjoying the facilities of the hotel along the white beaches of the Indian ocean
Staying at Zanzibar My Blue hotel
Pick up from your hotel and drive to the international airport to catch your next flight.
Number of People
Price in USD per Person for safari only
Price in USD per Person for both safari and Zanzibar
1 Person
Price on Request
On request
2 Pax
3 Pax (If triple room)
4 Pax
5 Pax (If one double room and one triple room)
6 Pax
For Children: 
Number of People
Price in USD per Person for safari only
Price in USD per Person for both safari and Zanzibar
Plus $500
Plus $500
Child below 16 at any case
Less $530
Less $530
Child btn 5-12 sharing with 2 adults
Less $1030
Less $1220
Child btn 5-12 sharing their own room or with 1adult
Less $780
Less $850
Child below 5
Less $1580
Less $1580
Price includes: 
• 9 days Safari car 
• Full board Mineral water for the entire Safari
• Full board accommodation at all lodges/hotels in the Safari
• All park fees and tribe’s fees
• Map of Tanzania and English Swahili dictionary
• All transportation to/from the airport
• Local SIM CARD chip with internet bundle for your entire trip
If adding Zanzibar
• Domestic flight from Kilimanjaro /Kilimanjaro to Zanzibar
• 4 nights in Zanzibar in 4 + star hotel on HB basis My Blue hotel
• Transfers in Zanzibar
Does not include
• Drinks at Dinner
• Tips to guides and porters ( Tour guide tip 30$ per day per safari car)
• Visa 
• Insurance
• International flight to JRO ( Kilimanjaro) return or Zanzibar the return, recommend Ethiopian airlines
If adding Zanzibar
• Lunch in Zanzibar
• Day Trips in Zanzibar

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